Friday, June 12, 2009

*** Victory Garden ***

I wanted to share some pictures from home…. They are of the garden and the flower bed. This is the first year I have actually had a garden come up as well as this one has. I think the best way to be frugal is to go back to the simple things like having a garden. I read a lot of articles at the first of this year about people planting their Victory Gardens. Did you plant a victory garden? If so, how is it turning out?

In ALL things we must rejoice and give God praise….

Enjoy the walk through my gardens….

Corn is getting tassels….

Green beans are ready for stringing….

Cantaloupe needs to get bigger…Lima beans are on the stalk..
Onions are delicious and carrots need to thicken up…

Fried potatoes anyone??
No we need to eat healthy… mine will be baked..
The bumble bee hard at work to make more delicious squash…

Look at what he has already helped to make… spaghetti squash…

We also have Corn, Tomatoes, Okra , and Peppers planted... yum!!

This post is late.... I started on it a week or so ago... I am learning the ropes on blogging.
Thanks for taking the time to read... Remember to "Rejoice in the Lord always!"

Monday, June 1, 2009


This is the first time I have set out to blog an entry. The things on my heart are living for God, frugal living to the fullest, organization of my life. All of these being tools in order to enjoy my life. God has been so good to me. I have started on the road to living within my means and I like calling it "frugal chicness". I love the definition of Chicness- The quality or state of being stylish - Sophistication in dress and manner; elegance. I am learning to live in the low cost state of being stylish, loving myself, my home, and my life.

The month of May brought about changes in my life and attitude. I started reading blogs for the first time and it gave me encouragement. I had never considered myself OCD but for the first time I realized my OCD is failure. I would never do anything to get my life in order. I lived in the fear of working hard and then to see it fail. After reading all the 'rallies' of that-a-girl, you-can-do-it, and you-gotta-start somewhere I finally DID!

I have started my coupon book (again), watching the sales papers, organized my kitchen, and my bedroom (this is just a start). I am having the most organized yard sale this coming weekend. I have always been "queen" of hosting a yard sale but I have learned this one IS GOING TO HAVE ORDER AND NEATNESS ABOUT IT! I am excited that after I get some of this 'stuff' out of my house. The next thing I am excited about is all the new things that lie ahead and what's next I can get organized.

Say a prayer for me that I will stay on this road to recovery. I have learned that emotional attachment is not reasons to hang onto things and it is ok to let go!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I appreciate some of the beautiful blogs I have read.... Songbirdtiff, Organizing Junkie, Inspired Room, Like a Warm Cup of coffee, and all the other frugal, coupon clipping, craft, Reinvented blogs - you all are the reason why I got up the courage to begin my new path. I am enjoying the flowers that I see budding already along this new road!

God bless you!

I guess you can say my new OCD is being organized I am tired of the cluttered life. The unorganized life. There is enough of that in the world let me bring glory to God in my life. Showing how HE can do all things as long as I am willing and obedient. Join me in loving life with God and doing it SOUTHERN STYLE!